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To add further comfort to one's rest, the mattress can be enhanced by the topper that attaches to the mattress thanks to practical elastic bands. Donato Martinelli is a manufacturer of fiber and memory bed toppers perfect for hotels or at home.


Our collection is enhanced by quilted toppers filled with carded fiber or blown fiber under our SOFTYLEN® brand. We also offer memory foam toppers in different heights, ideal for capturing customers' attention and also meeting new market demands. Each product can be customized in size, weight and accessories (label and graphic insert with your logo).


Discover the main models



It's possible to create simple bag, vacuum-packed, rolled packed, single or paired packages


It's possible to customize paper card and labels with the customer's logo


It's possible change size, mix foam  or fiber, change cover to create a unique topper 


It's possible to change the envelope, the box or the pieces per box

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