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The activity currently headed by Donato Martinelli has involved three entrepreneurial generations, originated in the first decades of the last century.


In the 1930s a wholesale warehouse was opened in Florence on the initiative of the forefather Umberto Martinelli for the trade of household linen.


In 1945 the first unit production was born in Leffe, thanks to the installation of a weaving to create covers and bedcovers

In the 1970s the business expanded to a new production site of about 4,000 square meters and also added new lines of spinning, weaving and finishing for covers

In 1963 a spinning mill was added

In the ‘90s the productions of wadding, needle-punched felts, fiberballs and the lamination of fabrics were introduced

Over the '80s, the new quilted products entered the market. Therefore, the company renewed and gradually converted the production by using new plants to generate "non-woven" fabric

The first automatically line arose for the fabrication of carded pillows (about 3,000 pieces per day)

The first automatically line arose for the production of padding cushion

Began the creation and packaging of moulded pillows

Began the production and packaging of pillows with memory chips

The production line of carded pillows was replaced by an automatic one, that produced about 6,000 pieces per day

The first automatic line was installed for the production of thermowelded pillows, without using seams with thread

Began the construction of the new logistics with an increase of 3,000 sqm

The production line

of carded pillows was updated, achieving

the capacity of 8.000

pillows per day

The last update of padding and thermowelded pillows lines has

recently taken place, with an increase of production capacity up to 8,000 pieces

per day. Creation of two new automatic lines for memory chips pillows.

This allows us to reach the capacity

of 12,000 pillows a day for this type of article. Widening logistics and warehouses of raw materials of about 4500 sqm

Changeover to a greater environmental sustainability, thanks to a photovoltaic plant and the creation of new certified recycled products

Creation and start of production of the new quilting department

Renovation of existing warehouses, implementing short and long-time logistics

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